Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Reminder

Under a full moon, and amongst the creepies and crazies, I fought my way through the festivities at Universal City Walk last night. The high volume of foot traffic demanded my full attention as I weaved and waved through the crowd on the way to my final destination. I hastily turned a corner and, out of the corner of my eye, caught the unmistakable neon blue glow of the Dodger logo hanging above the team store.

I was taken aback for a second, as it was the first time I had thought about the Dodgers in almost a week. That may seem like no big deal to some, but after thinking about them non-stop for the better part of the year it was a little saddening. The Dodgers may be done playing for the year; however, they're anything but distant in my mind. Last night was a surprising reminder of that.


Greg Zakwin said...

Padilla went and Plaxicoed himself.

Brandon said...

oh geez. Kinda over the Dodgers at the moment. McCourt's really have me down.