There are many things we can accuse Schmidt, and the Dodgers, of in regards to this situation; however, no one will ever find Schmidt guilty of not working hard to find his way back. Sure he's not the same person that disappeared so quickly in 2007, no one is expecting him to be. Yet, unlike the goat that was Andruw Jones, Schmidt spent years rehabbing, years rebuilding, and years tinkering away in the minors. He did it without a single complaint. He figured out what worked, what didn't, and, very quietly mind you, stood strong against the hatred bestowed upon him by the faithful followers that call Chavez Ravine their own.
That in itself has earned the respect of yours truly.
And now, after all those years, he's getting another chance. It's been a long time old friend. Welcome back.
I like your take on this...Alot of people are being really negative, but I at least want him to do well.
Comeback...player...of...ok, it's only one start.
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