Sunday, February 22, 2009

Keep Cool My Babies

With a final string dance and a releasing of Abe Vigoda, Conan O'Brien said goodbye to "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" after 16 years. For the last eight of those years Conan has claimed the number 2 spot in my television lineup, falling just short of Dodger baseball. Seldom a night passed that I was not eased into slumber by Conan, Max, the Walker Texas Ranger Lever, and sometimes the Masturbating Bear.

While Conan will be taking over "The Tonight Show" starting June 1st, part of me knows the magic of those 12:35am shows will never survive the journey to Los Angeles. There will forever be a void in my "late nights."

So long Desk Rides, In The Year 2000, Horny Manatee, and Pimpbot 5000. You guys kept me laughing late into the night. Lets reflect on Conan over some hot chocolate and whipped cream.


Doc said...

I share your sentiments exactly.

I'm going to rewatch the last 2 weeks of Conan on my DVR, there were a lot of classic clips in the final weeks. Very good stuff. Let's hope the magic comes with him to LA.

Miss Molly said...

Dude...I'm excited to see what happens in June for many reasons, especially with the recent Andy Richter development!

Also, I read this article earlier, and was wondering what your thoughts are...

Brandon said...

I distance myself from all Angels talk.