Saturday, May 30, 2009


For the record, I don't think Manny Ramirez should play in the All Star game. I'm no baseball purist, far from it in fact. However, to further compound the silliness that already is the mid summer classic by allowing Ramirez to play isn't the way to point out all that's wrong with the festivities.

For the record, I'm not a huge supporter of Frank McCourt. The parking lot fiasco, the high cost of parking, the high cost of tickets, the caste system of stadium access being determined by the location of your ticket, the discontinuation of the Dodger Trolley...well, you get the picture. However, I support his statement that Ramirez SHOULD play in the All Star game.
"Do I want to see him?" McCourt said.

"Sure, if he gets voted in. It'd be a great honor."

The news of Ramirez's controversial All-Star candidacy made national headlines this week, but McCourt said he was unaware of where his $25-million left fielder stood in the balloting.

When informed, he said, "The fans are going to make up their own minds about this. I think fans think for themselves and they're entitled to do that."
Frank McCourt has come under fire recently for making those comments, and while it's certainly expected, I get the feeling that people are looking past the politics that comes with being an owner of a baseball team. McCourt has been loyal to a fault to Manny Ramirez, almost too loyal, at the risk of upsetting his prize fighter. His recent comments only cement his support further, and should come as a surprise to no one.

As much as they might want to, an owner should not take a moral stance and publicly bash one of his players. That's simply tactless. If he/she chooses to rid themselves of an objectionable player in a less public manner, so be it. Remember Derek Lowe anyone? If he/she chooses to reprimand a player in a private matter, I'm all for it.

Frank McCourt's hands are tied with this one, and we've all seen he's no Harry Houdini. The above comments might not be what he wants to say, but, in a world of politics, it's what he HAS to say.

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